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378 E. 4th Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT, 84103
United States

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Save The Bees - Join the growing buzz to make a difference

Save the Bees. Add your name to this Save the Bees petition, so chemical companies, agricultural companies and members of state and national government will hear your voice.


Save the Bees

Across the world, the buzz of millions of bee colonies is gradually growing faint. These vital pollinators are vanishing. This "ecological armageddon" can be stopped and even reversed. Strong evidence links the decline of bees to pesticides. Although large agriculture companies are given guidelines for applying pesticides hundreds of millions of personal homes and gardens use bee-killing pesticides & weed killers everyday. Surveys show that people are willing to use “BEE FRIENDLY” pesticides in their yards - but they just don’t know which one is safe for bees.


Wait Just a Little Longer

Dandelions play a crucial role in the health of bee colonies everywhere. They come earlier than many blooming flowers, so the bees rely on them to get through April & May. Dandelions are an important food source for bees in spring.

By the end of May bees have many more options for food & pollinating. So in April & May of this season put up this beautiful yard flag and let these important dandelion flowering weeds grow just a little longer rather than immediately mowing them down or poisoning them. Click here to get your yard sign >>>


You Can Help

By requiring all pesticide companies to clearly label their “BEE SAFE” bottles consumers can make the choice. Together we can make a difference! Sign our petition below and add your name to a growing community of people across the globe wanting to help the failing bee population.

With your name on this petition, chemical companies, agricultural companies and members of state and national government will hear your voice. Keep up on changing progress and help share the word.



Use your voice to speak to those companies who make pesticides and insist they use BEE-SAFE labeling on all bottles. Also, be a part of the growing voice to local and national leaders who will be sent letters and petitions insisting they take action to save the bees and require Bee-Safe labeling and products. You will be a strong part of this growing voice - PLEASE SIGN UP




Consumers are unable to see or even find BEE SAFE pesticides and weed killers. Given the choice, surveys show people are willing to choose those products rather than dangerous ones. They just don’t know what to look for.


Given the education and the choice consumers are willing to do the right thing. So we petition chemical companies and lawmakers to require clear and obvious labeling so consumers can better find those BEE SAFE products. This combined with educating consumers as to which products are better for the bee population can have a huge impact.


By adding your name to this petition you are part of a growing voice of concerned people who want to see something done. We will keep you informed of progress made on each front. We will also share with you special news and offers just for being a part of this effort. We don’t and won’t share your information - please see our privacy statement below.


We do not sell, trade, or share your name and email address with anyone. We use reliable and safeguarded email sending services and keep your information safe and protected. We may contact you by email for purposes explained above and to invite you to take advantage of other news, events and offers we think you may be glad to get.