Beehive Shoppe Rare Out of Print Vintage Cookbooks
A huge collection of the BEST vintage cookbooks filled with classic American and European recipes and cooking tips.
Col. Harland Sanders 20 Favorite Recipes Cookbook
Col. Harland Sanders 20 Favorite Recipes Cookbook
Col. Harland Sanders 20 Favorite Recipes Cookbook - FREE
This fantastic collection of vintage recipes includes classic American cooking from Col. Sanders - founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken. From Butter-Thin Pancakes to Old Fashioned Huckleberry Cake you’ll love remaking these wonderful recipes
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EASY DIGITAL DOWNLOAD: This is a digital download of the entire vintage cookbook. It's easily viewed on any pc or Mac computer, I-pad or other tablet devices or on your smart phone. Print off any recipes or simply keep them on your device. You'll love how easy this is.
Some fun information about Colonel Sanders - he falsified his date of birth and enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1906 while he was only 16 years old. He completed his commitment in Cuba and was awarded the “Cuban Pacification Medal”. He was honorably discharged in February 1907 and moved to Sheffield, Alabama, where his uncle lived. When he arrived in Alabama, he met his brother Clarence, who had also moved there in order to escape their abusive stepfather. Luckily, his uncle worked for the Southern Railway, and secured Sanders a job as a blacksmith's helper in the workshops. After only two months, Sanders moved to Jasper, Alabama, where he got a job cleaning out the ash pans of trains from the Northern Alabama Railroad when they had finished their runs. This experience is when eventually led to his secret spice mixture and made Colonel Sander’s Kentucky Fried Chicken FAMOUS!